Social Network Marketing 101, Social Networking Websites


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social networking websites

New Social Network: Hurox

Next-gen social network where you can buy and sell content, create websites, use an online desktop and more!

Social Networking: MySpace & Facebook Safety, Security, Privacy & Aggregation

Your Safe, Secure & Private Social Network Aggregated On The Web! Visit for more information.

What’s So Great About Online Social Networking?

Complete video at:

Co-founders of social networking sites Jaiku, Twitter and Dopplr discuss the benefits of online social networks.


“Up Close and Personal: Share Your Life,” featuring Jyri Engestrom, Biz Stone, Raymond Spanjar, Felix Peterson, and Matt Biddulph, with moderator Linda Stone.

Where are you? What are you doing? Simple questions, simple answers, essential to our social existence. Twitter, Jaiku, Plazes, Dopplr and Hyves help us to share our lives with friends, family, anyone, anywhere. This session explores our existence and contact in an always-‘on’ world.- PICNIC

Jyri Engestrom is co-founder of, a mobile social software startup. He is also Founder and Vice-Chairman of Aula Network, a nonprofit to advance the vision of a creative society. Jyri incubated start-ups at Tera Group, a venture capital partnership, and co-founded ShiftControl, an online recruiting company based on friend-to-friend referrals. Prior to that he worked as a Concept Designer at Satama Interactive, where he co-led the design of Jyri is working on a Ph.D on innovation at the Management School at Lancaster University, UK. He holds a Master’s degree in sociology from the University of Helsinki. He maintains a weblog at

Biz Stone is co-founder of Twitter, Inc and also helped make Xanga, Blogger, Odeo, and Obvious. Biz sometimes writes books about what people are doing on the Internet. Interested in what he is up to? Follow his Twitter trail at, or read his blog at

Matt Biddulph is a creative technologist who works with companies like Nature, Joost and the BBC to bring cutting-edge technologies into the mainstream. He is also the CTO of Dopplr, a social network for frequent travellers.