Chubby Bunny

I can’t believe this got featured, THANK YOU Youtube!! Apologies if this game offends anyone, obviously never in my wildest dreams did I think it’d get featured (made in Jan 07), I don’t even think it’s my best video! Obviously play the game at your own risk, because there is the obvious choking hazard, as there would be eating too much of any food… so PLAY SAFE!!!

The age old marshmallow game…. as you can see I managed 7 before gagging… can you do better?

What’s your favorite Classic Arcade Game? Steve Wiebe, King of Kong Interview

While games like Grand Theft Auto 4 may be all the rage today with their advanced graphics and expansive maps, old school classics like Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, and Galaga haven’t become any less fun over the years. We went down to the Twiistup event in Santa Monica to speak to Steve Wiebe and Walter Day from the documentary movie, The King of Kong to find out why games that were made over two decades ago are still being played, and to get the scoop on Steve’s Donkey Kong world record attempt. We also took two steps outside our studio to speak to gamers at the reader meetup, which was hosted at Mahalo’s HQ. Make sure to leave a comment telling us what your favorite retro video game is!

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chasingBOLT #6: Can YOU Beat Usain Bolt? Can you beat the world’s fastest man? Until now, you never would have had the chance to find out (unless your name was Asafa or Tyson). But Usain is challenging YOU to a race, 100 meters in Jamaica’s National Stadium. Pay attention in the video…the first time Usain played the game he ran 9.72. Pretty ironic, no? I guess we programmed it to perfectly reflect his ability. (Then again, I ran 9.54…) Visit to race Bolt.

Unreal Engine 3, Applied To Social Network Rhythm Game MStar

You’re seeing a preview of what is touted to be the next social network in 3D, powered by Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 3. Nurien’s MStar rhythm game.