Nurien Mstar Trailer (Unreal Engine 3) – Social Network

You’re seeing a preview of what is touted to be the next social network in 3D, powered by Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 3. Nurien’s MStar rhythm game.

More infos about the social network:

my social network

my social network from, created by Skyrails

Social Network Training – Mastering Blogs – Part 2 of 3

Understand the purpose of Blogs and how to create them. Learn the full Blogging feature set within from Thomas Power. Mastering Social Network / Networking skills.

Web 2 Social Network Internet Marketing Product Test Results

I review and test New Web 2.0 Social Network Internet Marketing product and reveal the results to you.

I try it, before you buy it

Watch the video about this New Web 2.0 Social Network Internet Marketing for the results and see if it will work for your website traffic projects.

“Social Networking” – Der große Trend im Internet

Die Idee ist einfach: Menschen mit gleichen Interessen treffen sich auf Internetportalen, um z. B. Persönliches auszutauschen oder für den Beruf eine Gemeinschaft aufzubauen. Die Nutzerzahlen steigen rasant. Doch bei allen “Social Networking”-Portalen gibt es noch keine zündende Idee, wie man damit auch richtig Geld verdienen kann.

Social Network Analysis of TikiWiki – Issues and Summary

The network of participants in open source projects can be mapped and visualized using social network analysis. This visualization can identify the key participants involved in various clusters that make up the project, providing a map of how individuals are collaborating to fulfill tasks. The information can be used to identify key members such as knowledge brokers, help better integrate peripheral members, and facilitate locating experts or possessors of relevant tacit knowledge. I will discuss a case study of the TikiWiki open source community comparing (1) the traditional approach of analyzing mailing list exchanges, and (2) a more interesting analysis of the wiki used by the community. – social network for dogs + owners + business

Join our digital dog park™ to make new friends, post pictures, upload videos, share stories, use forums, write blogs, sell products, post events, or browse members via the dog matrix™ by breed, color, age , location, and even mood.

Free dog amber alert™ system for dogs
By dropping your dog amber alert™ into Missing Mode, all members within a set distance from your zip code will be notified via our dog amber alert™ ticker system running on every members page [like a news ticker on your TV set] and our sister site As a member, you will be able to create a “virtual” Vflyer so if your dog becomes MISSING – members click on your dogs “MISSING Flyer” – print it out themselves and help with the search instantly. Our goal is to build the largest online social network of dogs in the world by developing the most advanced creative communications network available.

Yuwie – The first social network that shares revenue

A New Social Networking Website (100% FREE)

Social Networking is an online PARTY for the MASSES, you don’t need advanced computer skills to participate and have fun! ANYONE can join in for FREE.

It’s like MySpace, but you GET PAID for being there, NO KIDDING!

You Get Paid When You Update:
Your Welcome Page
Your Online Journal
Your Picture Albums
Get Paid When Anyone Looks At:
Your Welcome Page
Your Journal Entries
Your Picture Albums
All Your Friends
All Your Comments
So don’t worry about the money, but just realize that the more fun you have interacting with other friends you make at the party and then invite more friends to join in when you see how much fun it is, the more extra cash you’ll end up with!

If you want to see what one of these Welcome Pages looks like, Click Here to see mine

Then Come On Over and Join The Party! I’ll be your First Friend and take you around to show you what’s up. You’ll be the Life Of The Party in No Time!

You Don’t Need To Bring ANYTHING . . .
Just Click Here Now!

How Much Money Can I make?

We can’t say exactly, but here’s an example of what could happen. The chart below assumes you refer 3 people, and those 3 people refer 3, then those refer 3, through 10 levels, and each referral gets 1000 page views for the month, and the month’s RSR is $0.50. This example would earn you $10,000 a month of residual income.

What Is Yuwie?

Yuwie is a Social Network, just like Myspace and Facebook – except that Yuwie shares it’s profits with their members. Each month, a new RSR (Revenue Sharing Ratio) is calculated, depending on Yuwie’s total profit – and you get your share of the Cash!

Yuwie is absolutely Free – you can Make Money by doing something you have been doing for nothing up till now (being a member of a social network). There’s nothing like some Free Money, is there?

Yuwie can bring you and your friends togther and help you find people who think like you. With Yuwie you can blog, message, leave comments, create picture albums and more. You can even find people you went to school with.

Yuwie offers Two ways for you to Make Money.

First one is effortless – all the page views of your blog or profile will get counted (even the ones you generate) and converted to Cash.

Second, you can refer other people to Yuwie and earn a percentage of their page views, 10 levels deep.

Join Yuwie Social Network today at:

Yuwie Results – Not a Get Rich Quick Scam

When I’m talking to a new referral or trying to explain the concept of Yuwie to new members I often get the question, “If it’s not a scam, how much have you made using it?” Well this question has more then a numerical answer. The concept of Yuwie is so powerful, that it makes me never want to use another social networking site again. The most attractive aspect of Yuwie is making money. Thats not the only reason we use it though.

When people are using facebook and Myspace they are making money for other people. They are getting paid nothing at all. They are actually basically working for someone by providing content to a site that makes money. On the other hand they could use Yuwie and get at least a piece of that money. If I had been using Yuwie the whole time I’ve been on Myspace and Facebook I would have at least made the minimum payout of $25.00 USD by now. How much was your payout for the others? Oh yeah, none.

Even if Yuwie did NOT have a referral system, I would still choose it over the others just because there is an opportunity to make some money. People that are signing up seem to be missing the concept that they can use Yuwie just like any other social networking site. All you have to do is login and talk to friends. No one has to refer anyone. Just get on Yuwie to chat and have fun and never check your earnings. Eventually you’ll reach that $25.00 mark and be able to get a payout. Yuwie will be around for years, just like Myspace, Facebook, and other social networking sites. When you do reach the payout minimum, which might lower by then, it will be the same as the feeling you get when you find $25.00 in a coat pocket that you forgot about. Even the feeling to know you are making money to talk to your friends is such a cool concept in itself that it made me want to join. I hope this helps some people really grasp what Yuwie is all about.

Join Now at:

Imparare Lingue Straniere Online: I migliori Social Network

Se desideri imparare le lingue straniere online, ti consiglio i migliori Social Network dedicati all’ apprendimento gratuito delle lingue straniere direttamente nel web ed in maniera sociale. Livemocha, Kantalk, WeLang…Seguimi su

Social Networking Standards

Describes what and how to take advantage of a social network