The Line on CSpot – Episode 5

Bill Hadar (Pineapple Express, Saturday Night Live, Superbad) & Joe Lo Truglio put everything on the line when Bill pits his trivia knowledge against the mysterious stranger (Jon Glaser). Can they keep 1st place or will they be shoved to the back of the line.

tags: sony sci-fi geek star trek wars line movie premiere trivia battle Bill Hader SNL Pineapple Express superbad jon glaser Joe Lo Truglio comedy dork vulcan

Social Networking Wars

Social Networking Wars – from current

La guerra dei social network ITA

Tutti i diritti riservati CURRENT
All right reserved CURRENT

Social Networking Wars (Italiano)

Un stupendo video dalla versione italiana di Current TV. Un ragazzo, come molti altri al giorno d’oggi. è assediato dai social network. Da notare le verità *ASSOLUTE* dette da Tom di Myspace.

Semplicemente stupendo.

SuperNews! – Social Networking Wars

Myspace confronts a young fellow who may have been cheating on it with other sites. Soon facebook and others show up for a showdown. Let the social networking wars begin!